Espacios de creación en las bibliotecas de Cataluña: Bibliolabs y Makerspaces

Galván, Nerea Espacios de creación en las bibliotecas de Cataluña: Bibliolabs y Makerspaces., 2019 [Preprint]

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Espacios de creación en las bibliotecas de Cataluña Bibliolabs y Makerspaces.docx - Submitted version
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English abstract

Context: Makerspaces are becoming more comon on libraries, given that makerspaces main goal is aligned with libraries goal to help and promotr self learning Goals main goal is to create a state of the art of makerspaces on catalan libraries. Methodology A lterature review has been used, using academic sources and social media coments. 17 Interviews have been conducted, with diferent makerspaces staff. Main analissed aspect have been library tipology, makerspace name, and makerspaces components. Results Main library tipology are public libraries, followed by college libraries, event thow five comon names for these spaces have been founs, most comon one is Makerspace

Spanish abstract

Context: Makerspaces are becoming more common in libraries, given that makerspaces main goal is aligned with libraries goal to help and encourage self learning. Goals: Main goal is to create a state of the art of makerspaces on catalan libraries. Methodology A bibliographic review has been used, using academic sources and social media coments. Seventeen interviews have been conducted, with diferent makerspaces staff. Main analysed aspect have been library typology, makerspace name, and makerspaces components. Results: The most common type of library where these spaces are found are public libraries, followed by university libraries, even though there are five different denominations, the most common is that of Makerspace.

Item type: Preprint
Keywords: Espacios de creación; Bibliotecas; Cataluña; Bibliolab; Makerspaces
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information > BZ. None of these, but in this section.
J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. > JZ. None of these, but in this section.
Depositing user: Nerea Galván-Bou
Date deposited: 06 Dec 2019 21:18
Last modified: 06 Dec 2019 21:18


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