Tomescu, Silvia Serviciile electronice din bibliotecile universitare in sustinerea studiului si cercetarii. Biblioteca: revista de bibliologie si stiinta informarii, 2008, n. 7-8, pp. 251-254. [Journal article (Paginated)]
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English abstract
Academic libraries have become new actors in the process of distance learning among other factors of education and research. Due to the new storage media and new channels for transmitting information, university libraries complete the formation of the universities. Libraries are reshaping its services; we speak about electronic references, full text data access, Web resources, that are integral part of university education in the electronic environment. Our discussion focuses on the Central University Library of Bucharest as the actor in learning and e learning with few examples of electronic services that it provides. The librarians also have to adapt to the e-delivery and storage of information, to form and to inform about the e-resources for learning. We have to develop national strategies and add value to the role of university library as a key factor in e learning delivery.
Romanian abstract
Bibliotecile universitare au devenit noi actori in procesul de educatie la distanta alaturi de alti factori implicati in cercetarea si educatia universitara.Datorita noilor formate de stocare, dar si noilor canale de distributie, bibliotecile universitare contribuie substantial la procesul de formare alaturi de universitati.Bibliotecile isi redimensioneaza serviciile;vorbim de servicii de referinta electronice, acces la baze de date full text, resurse web, care sunt parte integranta din procesul de educatie universitara, in mediul electronic. Bibliotecarii au fost obligati sa-si redefineasca abilitatile de lucru in noile contexte; facem trimiteri la Biblioteca Centrala Universitara din Bucuresti care prin serviciile pe care le ofera in contexte electronice devine un important furnizor de e-learning care formeaza, informeaza si perfectioneaza utilizatorii.
Item type: | Journal article (Paginated) |
Keywords: | biblioteci universitare, baze de date, cercetare, licente, copyright, perfectionare, referinte online, servicii electronice |
Subjects: | H. Information sources, supports, channels. J. Technical services in libraries, archives, museum. K. Housing technologies. L. Information technology and library technology |
Depositing user: | Silvia-Adriana Tomescu |
Date deposited: | 17 Dec 2008 |
Last modified: | 02 Oct 2014 11:56 |
URI: | |
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