E-Services Provided by the Academic and University Libraries.

Chaware, Nitin E-Services Provided by the Academic and University Libraries., 2013 . In National Level Interdisciplinary Conference on “Trend in Literature Social Sciences and Science in 21st Century”, Onde, Vikramgad, Palghar, 30 January 2016. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

This paper highlights the various sources of electronic resource and the medium for its access such as Web OPAC, web portals, blogs, online databases etc. It also discusses about the impact of use electronic resources among the users in general and the problems faced by them.

English abstract

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: E-Resourses
Subjects: L. Information technology and library technology > LQ. Library automation systems.
Depositing user: Mr Nitin Chaware
Date deposited: 09 Sep 2021 03:18
Last modified: 09 Sep 2021 03:18
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/42415


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