Individual Review on Odd Semester Project Final 2021/2022/Education Fundamentals Course on YouTube

Thobias, Sarbunan Individual Review on Odd Semester Project Final 2021/2022/Education Fundamentals Course on YouTube., 2022 (Unpublished) [Technical report]

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Text (Individual Review on Odd Semester Project Final 2021/2022/Education Fundamentals Course on YouTube)
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English abstract

This report was produced in Bahasa and conducted as a reflection tool for fundamental education courses in 2021-2022's odd semesters. These reflections' implemented during the first semester of the music education study program at the Faculty of Christian Religious Arts at Ambon State Christian Institute in Indonesia. This information is the scientific data in producing video assessment rubrics. And it is based on broad research of educational foundations and a review of this study's extent and applicability of music education. As a result, all criticisms and suggestions of an expert regarding the development of the assessment rubric in question. Will be reviewed for future development of the video assessment rubric. As well as developed empirical thinking toward the construction of various assessment rubrics'. In the realm of education and pedagogy

Indonesian abstract

Dokumen ini ditulis di dalam bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat untuk refleksi matakuliah landasan pendidikan pada semester ganjil 2021-2022. Level semester yang melaksanakan refleksi ini yaitu sesmster 1 program studi pendidikan seni musik/Fakultas Seni Keagamaan Kristen/ Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Ambon/Indonesia. Bahan ini juga sekalugus sebagai data ilmiah dalam menguji coba konstruksi rubrik penilaian video yang merepresentasikan kajian landasan pendidikan secara umum dan tinjauan kajian ini pada cakupan dan ruang lingkup pendidikan seni musik. Maka itu segala kritik dan saran dari para ahli dan atau akademia tentang konstruksi rubrik penilaian dimaksud secara terbuka akan ditinjau ulang bagi pengembangan rubrik penilaian video di waktu yang mendatangan, serta sebagai landasan berpikir empiris dalam mengonstruksi berbagai rubrik penilaian di dalam ranah pendidikan dan pedagogik.

Item type: Technical report
Keywords: Fundamental of Education Rubric Assessment Rubric Assessment of Online Video
Subjects: A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information.
A. Theoretical and general aspects of libraries and information. > AC. Relationship of LIS with other fields .
B. Information use and sociology of information
B. Information use and sociology of information > BH. Information needs and information requirements analysis.
C. Users, literacy and reading.
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CB. User studies.
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CD. User training, promotion, activities, education.
C. Users, literacy and reading. > CE. Literacy.
Depositing user: mr Thobias sarbunan
Date deposited: 04 May 2022 17:32
Last modified: 04 May 2022 17:32





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