Leitura iconográfica da Catedral da Sé (São Paulo, SP) e valorização do patrimônio cultural, histórico e religioso.

Zafalon, Zaira, Vermeersch, Paula and Santana, Pamela . Leitura iconográfica da Catedral da Sé (São Paulo, SP) e valorização do patrimônio cultural, histórico e religioso., 2021 In: Leitura iconográfica da Catedral da Sé (São Paulo, SP) e valorização do patrimônio cultural, histórico e religioso. Nyota, pp. 209-238. [Book chapter]

[thumbnail of Organizadores: Diogo Jorge de Melo; Luane Bento dos Santos; Nathália Lima Romeiro; Thayron Rodrigues Rangel]
Text (Organizadores: Diogo Jorge de Melo; Luane Bento dos Santos; Nathália Lima Romeiro; Thayron Rodrigues Rangel)
Leitura iconográfica da Catedral da Sé (São Paulo, SP) e valorização do patrimônio cultural, histórico e religioso.pdf

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English abstract

The work Rethinking the Sacred: Religious Traditions in Brazil and its informational dimension is a collective initiative of authors and authors from different fields of Science Human and Social. A theoretical proposal embraced by religious and religious activists and anti-racist activists, decolonial, progressive, democratic and above all for intellectuals who believe in committed scientific work with social changes and guaranteed human rights. In Brazil, it is possible to find different forms of religious manifestations. However, the existence of numerous religions in Brazilian territory have no meaning a social harmony or political agreement of tolerance and respect. On the contrary, we live in Brazil several episodes of religious intolerance and since the 1980s a growing persecution carried out by religious sectors neopentecostals the religious traditions of African origins and indigenous. Intolerances of faith, disregard for the Constitution Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988 that guarantees religious freedom and defines the Brazilian State as secular. The intolerance and religious racism that the sectors Neo-Pentecostals have exercised over different groups of African matrices, Catholic Christians, Muslims and ethnicities indigenous peoples are some of the main obstacles to the establishment and guarantee of the Brazilian State as secular and democratic. Urgent issues to be considered and analyzed by the Brazilian academy and intellectuals.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: Leitura; Iconográfica; Catedral; Valorização;
Subjects: B. Information use and sociology of information
B. Information use and sociology of information > BD. Information society.
Depositing user: Zaira Regina Zafalon
Date deposited: 25 Jun 2022 15:35
Last modified: 25 Jun 2022 15:35
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/10760/43201


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