The Agility Model of the Banking Industry in Digital Marketing

Salehi, Jalal, Hosseinzadeh, Ali and Bastam, Hadi The Agility Model of the Banking Industry in Digital Marketing. International Journal of Digital Content Management, 2021, vol. 2, n. 3, pp. 217-242. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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English abstract

The developments of digital marketing in the banking industry have affected the speed of changing customer demands. Therefore, the ability to quickly and agilely adapt to changes plays a key role in creating competitive advantages. Despite the significant role of agility in responding to changes, so far there is no research that identifies the agility components of the banking industry in digital marketing. Thus, based on the designing methods of qualitative research, and investigating digital marketing experimentally and theoretically, this study presents a new model for digital marketing agility in the banking industry. In this research, the key theoretical dimensions of digital marketing agility are identified and some suggestions for facilitating the model implementation are provided. The findings of this study include important results for marketing managers in the banking industry and indicate what strategic measures are needed to establish agile practices in the structure, processes and communications of their digital marketing from a practical perspective in the context of agile digital marketing.

Item type: Journal article (Paginated)
Keywords: Digital Marketing, Agile Digital Marketing, Agility
Subjects: F. Management.
F. Management. > FB. Marketing.
F. Management. > FC. Finance.
F. Management. > FF. Funding.
Depositing user: Mr Saeed Asgharzadeh
Date deposited: 25 Dec 2023 09:44
Last modified: 25 Dec 2023 09:44


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