China, libraries & human rights

Perkins, Mark China, libraries & human rights., 1997 . In UK Library Associations Umbrella 4 Conference, Manchester (UK), June 1997. [Conference paper]

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English abstract

This paper is a critique of censorship relating to library access and provision - in this case of China. It details legal, financial and ideological constraints. Also published in Focus on International & Comparative Librarianship 1997, 28(3), 155-165

Item type: Conference paper
Keywords: Censorship, Libraries, China, hukou, nei-pu
Subjects: E. Publishing and legal issues. > EE. Intellectual freedom.
B. Information use and sociology of information > BC. Information in society.
E. Publishing and legal issues. > EF. Censorship.
Depositing user: Mark Perkins
Date deposited: 13 Aug 2005
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:01


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