La misura della performance a supporto del marketing di biblioteca

Bellini, Paolo . La misura della performance a supporto del marketing di biblioteca., 2002 In: Comunicare la biblioteca : nuove strategie di marketing e modelli di interazione. Editrice Bibliografica, pp. 70-88. [Book chapter]

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English abstract

The trial application of the "ISO 11620: library performance indicators” at the Library of the University of Trento, Italy. In Italian libraries, public or university, performance measurement has not yet largely developed. It is prevalent that the workings of libraries are measured in quantitative terms, rather than by applying indicators that highlight performance. At the Library of the University of Trento, we have been applying performance indicators since 1998 as a planning and evaluation tool and to indicate the working of the library. The ISO standard 11620 was chosen from the outset for various reasons: it was specifically designed for libraries and is the most recently developed method. It takes in other related standards, including that of the IFLA, and the ISO itself is a widely recognized organization, also beyond the library environment. The main phases of the project have been: a preliminary study, a pilot scheme, the choice of the indicators to be applied, internal and external communication, the gathering of data, the drafting and distribution of the final report. The initial results of the project were distributed amongst the librarian community through articles in professional journals and speeches at national conferences. Some important results were achieved from this project: the definition of the target population in relation to all the groups of the population to be served, including the external users, who make up a great percentage of the actual users at our library. We have also designed a questionnaire to assess the “user satisfaction” level with the library services, structured in such a way to enable the comparison between the quality ‘perceived’, ‘expected’, and that ‘measured’ by the indicators. The major difficulties encountered in carrying out the project were: the limited quantity of data directly available from the automated management system, the inconsistency of these data, the lack of data related to the use of electronic resources, the difficulty in carrying out sample surveys systematically and permanently, a certain isolation in the local and national context, sometimes uncertainty in interpreting the texts of the standards used within ISO 11620. After a few years’ into the trial, at this stage one can outline that the implementation of the standard ISO 11620 is onerous and extremely time consuming. It also requires a strong will to overcome the opposition and resistance from within and from outside the library. The librarians themselves are rarely conscious of its necessity and its benefits. On the other hand, the performance measurement has proved to be a very useful and versatile tool from the viewpoint of the university management.

Italian abstract

Nel testo della conferenza si illustra la struttura dello standard ISO 11620 "Library performance indicators" e la relazione fra marketing e indicatori di performance. Vengono proposti alcuni esempi di applicazione di indicatori dello standard ISO 11620 scelti fra quelli che interessano più direttamente i bisogni informativi degli utenti, per mostrare come diversi valori assunti possano essere utilizzati per la definizione e ridefinizione delle strategie gestionali della biblioteca.

Item type: Book chapter
Keywords: ISO 11620; Methodologies; Statistical techniques; Trento University; Italy; User surveys; User satisfaction; Library marketing; library performance indicators Indagini statistiche; Indagini per la soddisfazione degli utenti; Università di Trento; indagini presso l'utenza; marketing di biblioteca; indicatori di performance in biblioteca
Subjects: F. Management. > FB. Marketing.
F. Management.
Depositing user: Paolo Bellini
Date deposited: 09 Nov 2006
Last modified: 02 Oct 2014 12:05


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